Chinatown display case in Duncan Museum
Museums are crucial for safeguarding the history of societies, including those that were present before colonization.
Museums act as repositories of knowledge, illuminating past customs, traditions, and ways of life through their collections of artifacts, artwork, and historical records. Exhibitions curated with great care by these institutions take visitors on a journey through history, where they can see the detailed craftsmanship, artistic expressions, and cultural stories that shaped societies prior to colonial interactions.
By preserving and displaying these priceless artifacts, museums guarantee that the traditions of precolonial societies are honored, analyzed, and handed down to upcoming generations, safeguarding their lasting impact on human culture.

CAPTION: Far from home cultural heritages are preserved and maintained in museums for sharing with other communities. For instance, the above Chinatown display case in Duncan Museum presents the Chinese cultural artefacts to visitors in Canada. Author: Duncan Museum. Usage Rights/Restrictions: This media asset is available for editorial print, online, broadcast, and radio use with attribution as it is in the public domain.
The Gay Alliance Toward Equality (GATE)
Like everyone else, those who are homosexuals have the basic human right to live in freedom from prejudice and cruelty.
This includes the freedom of expression and the ability to peacefully demonstrate against any violations of their rights, including violence, societal prejudice, and legal discrimination. They should have respect for their identities and relationships as well as equal legal protection as members of society. Protesting and demonstrating in support of LGBTQ+ rights is a potent declaration of their worth and dignity as well as a way to demand justice.
Maintaining these rights promotes a more equal and inclusive society for all.

CAPTION: People who identifies as homosexuals deserve the same treatment and to be heard. The Gay Alliance Toward Equality (GATE) advocates for equality for all gays, and protested to a comment made by a member of the BC Human Rights Commission in 1979. Author: Unknown. Usage Rights/Restrictions: Legal reproduction is allowed; copyright owner consent may be needed for other uses. The copyright’s jurisdiction is Canada.